PIE Themes Overview

To further develop the unique perspective that PASCAL International Exchanges (PIE) represents for its contributors and participants, this THEMES section highlights a number of major issues which have evolved since the inception of the project.

Initially, PIE was established with a core set of Stimulus Papers from key contributors representing cities and regions from around the world. This has provided a rich pool of information, experience and innovative ideas that all participating cities have benefitted from.  Through this public web space we hope that a wider audience has also found the dialogue an interesting and valuable resource.

For a comprehensive review of the development of the PASCAL International Exchanges project, please see Building Inclusive and Sustainable Learning Cities by Peter Kearns, Michael Osborne and Denise Reghenzani-Kearns.

We now invite extended contributions and discussions on the following PIE Themes:

To participate in the PIE project, contribute materials or simply to join in the discussions, please contact Peter Kearns.



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