ICT and media

ICT and media as vehicles to build an inclusive learning society

While there is wide recognition of the value of ICT (Information and Communications Technology) and media to promote learning opportunities throughout life, indeed many successful innovations exist, this potential has seldom been harnessed in strategic ways in building inclusive and coherent learning cities with learning opportunities in all stages of life. Various barriers remain that need to be probed and responses identified.  With the on-going impact of new technologies, there are difficulties in policy and practice keeping pace with technology so that good ideas need to be shared. Is the role of ICT and media leading to the emergence of a new paradigm for lifelong learning?


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Social media, social capital and learning communities

Gerry White’s stimulus paper has given us a useful introduction to the work of the Digital Education Research Network (DERN) in highlighting and disseminating research into the use of digital technologies and media in schools, training, higher education and lifelong learning.  He concentrates most on formal education settings, but he emphasises that ‘the distinction between formal and informal learning has become artificial in a networked world’, and that the there is a ‘convergence of formal and informal learning’ in the face of high levels of use of the internet for educational purpo

Bottom up ICT labs

Dear Colleagues.

I just thought some of you might have an interest in a little information about the newly launched and EU Commission granted LABlearning project. The project will start on the 1st of January 2012.

The LABlearning project will address formal primary, secondary and youth education settings in many European countries aiming to experiment with new media based or media laboratory based learning activities as an alternative to the traditional classrooms.

ICT and lifelong learning in Europe

In the first years of the new millennium most people in education and training were very optimistic as to the revolutionary impact of ICT on education and learning. The wide opportunities to learn in different ways, to include disadvantaged learners, to make the educations learner-centred, etc., were celebrated by very many educational stakeholders. Large teacher training programs on the use of ICT were launched.

ICT and Media As Vehicles to Build an Inclusive Learning Society

The Digital Education Research Network demonstrates the importance of highlighting and disseminating quality research into the use of digital technologies and media in schools, training, higher education and life-long learning.

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