
This section provides news about PASCAL together with significant developments in policy and research relating to the areas of interest to PASCAL. It is based on regular scanning of policy, practice and academic literature, including web-based sources.

We invite readers to submit items for consideration. Please send your contributions to our Submissions Administrator.

Engaging communities and universities in the public good

The recent wave of tragic deaths in the Mediterranean Sea of Mothers, Fathers, Children and Babies underscores the depth of inequality, which persists, or even increases, in our troubled world.  The fact that some of these people have been headed to the very city, Catania, where we are meeting, means that we must no longer speak of higher education or universities in technical, managerial or abstracted terms. 

Online Courses - PRIA International Academy

We are pleased to inform you that we have a range of courses (short and long term) for offering in an online and distant mode of learning. Please find below further information about our new courses, offered through PRIA’s International Academy.

Making Education Wider and Higher – Educational Reforms in the last Half-Century

This Symposium was convened at the Haute École des Science Politiques in Paris on 9 April to celebrate and honour the life and work of PASCAL’s first Chair, Dr Jarl Bengtsson.

Learning Cities on the move

An article by Peter Kearns, entitled Learning Cities on the Move can be found in the issue 55(1) of the Australian Journal of Adult Education at this link. Members of Adult Learning Australia can access this article as part of their membership. For others there is a small download fee.

The Talloires Network E-Newsletter - April 2015

The Talloires Network is one of the partners with whom PASCAL collaborates. The Network enjoys a high profile and is among the several national and international bodies encouraging universities worldwide to adopt a more centrally-focussed universities' 'third mission' commitment to community service in its different senses and settings.

Here is a copy of Talloires Network E-Newletter for April 2015:

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