Mike Osborne's blog

Public perceptions of Australian Universities - announcement from Australian Universities Community Engagement Alliance

The following announcement has been made at the AUCEA website.

Universities Australia recently commissioned consultants to undertake a major study on the public perceptions of Australian Universities. In this request,  the consultants are seeking to ensure they have access to the most relevant literature to inform their work.  Please support this work in any way you are able, in particular by providing the Consultants as soon as possible with any relevant literature and/or studies you are aware of or think will assist their work.


The request

The Natural Browsing project and PASCAL - a rather unique collaboration

On the face of it, involvement with the dissemination of a leading-edge computer science project would seem to be outside of PASCAL's remit.  What have "semantic search" and "natural languague processing" got to do with the social sciences? This is exactly the question we asked ourselves when invited by our colleagues from the Puglia Region to get involved in the Natural Browsing project.

New Knowledge Exchange Call in UK

The next Knowledge Exchange of the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) in the UK will open from the 1st September 2011 until the 27th October 2011. The ESRC will again be running two schemes, the Follow on Fund scheme and a Knowledge Exchange Opportunities scheme.

This call is aimed at social science researchers at all stages of their career and at organisations in the business, public and civil society sectors, with the intention of encouraging dialogue and collaboration between these groups. 

European Lifelong Learning Index (ELLI)

The European Lifelong Learning Index (ELLI) developed by Bertelsmann Stiftung in Germany is an annual measure of Europe’s “state of play” of learning throughout the different stages of life from “cradle to grave” and across the different learning environments of school, community, work and home life. The ELLI Index measures learning in four different domains taken from the UNESCO framework completed by Jaques Delors that include learning to know, learning to do, learning to live together and learning to be. 

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