
PASCAL EcCoWell 2 Recovery Programme - Beijing Academy of Educational Sciences

A composite report from each of the contributors to the PASCAL EcCoWell 2 Recovery Programme has recently been published. In a series of postings, we are now for the convenience of subscribers, publishing each report separately with a short introduction from the programme leader, Peter Kearns.

Ripples - December 2020. Newsletter of the Australian Learning Community Network (ALCN)

The Australian Learning Community Network is pleased to provide the latest news from around the network.

We are particularly pleased to feature stories about innovation and entrepreneurship from the ALCN Roundtable which was a partnership between the ALCN, Wyndham City Council, and PASCAL. Enjoy reading!

PASCAL EcCoWell 2 Recovery Programme - Harlem

A composite report from each of the contributors to the PASCAL EcCoWell 2 Recovery Programme has recently been published. In a series of postings, we are now for the convenience of subscribers, publishing each report separately with a short introduction from the programme leader, Peter Kearns.

PASCAL EcCoWell 2 Recovery Programme - Cork

A composite report from each of the contributors to the PASCAL EcCoWell 2 Recovery Programme has recently been published. In a series of postings, we are now for the convenience of subscribers, publishing each report separately with a short introduction from the programme leader, Peter Kearns.

PASCAL EcCoWell 2 Recovery Programme - Datong Taipei

A composite report from each of the contributors to the PASCAL EcCoWell 2 Recovery Programme has recently been published. In a series of postings, we are now for the convenience of subscribers, publishing each report separately with a short introduction from the programme leader, Peter Kearns.

PASCAL EcCoWell 2 Recovery Programme - Wolverhampton

A composite report from each of the contributors to the PASCAL EcCoWell 2 Recovery Programme has recently been published. In a series of postings, we are now for the convenience of subscribers, publishing each report separately with a short introduction from the programme leader, Peter Kearns.

PASCAL EcCoWell 2 Recovery Programme - Wyndham

A composite report from each of the contributors to the PASCAL EcCoWell 2 Recovery Programme has recently been published. In a series of postings, we are now for the convenience of subscribers, publishing each report separately with a short introduction from the programme leader, Peter Kearns:

PASCAL EcCoWell 2 Recovery Programme - Limerick

A composite report from each of the contributors to the PASCAL EcCoWell 2 Recovery Programme has recently been published. In a series of postings, we are now for the convenience of subscribers, publishing each report separately with a short introduction from the programme leader, Peter Kearns:

REMINDER: The Global Learning Festival being organised by Wyndham and Melton Cities runs from 1-4 September, 2020

Subscribers are reminded that the first Global Learning Festival being organised by Wyndham and Melton Cities runs from 1-4 September. Some 70 events across the world are available online, and PASCAL as a sponsor encourages all of you to register for one or more of these excellent programmes.

Rwandan cities of Kigali and Huye join PASCAL Learning Cities Networks (LCN)

We are delighted to announce that two cities in Rwanda, Kigali and Huye, have become members of PASCAL’s Learning Cities Networks (LCN). Both cities are participants in the Centre for Sustainable, Healthy and Learning Cities and Neighbourhoods (SHLC) and it is a pleasure to be able to welcome them to PASCAL.

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