Denis Barrett's blog

PASCAL EcCoWell 2 Recovery Programme - Cork

A composite report from each of the contributors to the PASCAL EcCoWell 2 Recovery Programme has recently been published. In a series of postings, we are now for the convenience of subscribers, publishing each report separately with a short introduction from the programme leader, Peter Kearns.

Connecting to complementary initiatives in holistic development - Strand 3 PASCAL 2016 - Deadline for abstracts - 1 Feb 2016

I am delighted to be leading Strand 3 of the next PASCAL Conference in Glasgow from 3-5 June 2016. Connecting to complementary initiatives in holistic development is a key theme for this conference that is reflected in the Challenge Question of the conference which is directed at ways in which there can be progression in city development from a raft of silo initiatives to more holistic and integrated development of sustainable cities.

EcCoWell Cork - 7th Heaven (Meeting)

The most recent EcCoWeLL session in Cork on Thurs 5th June went very well, with 74 attending, confined to those who had participated in previous EcCoWeLL events.

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