Preserving the environment

In our quest for improvement in the quality of life of our society we cannot ignore the fact that cities, as a basis for economic activity and income generation, use many resources and create pollution. Much attention has been drawn towards issues relating to preserving the environment; on the principle of adopting a truly holistic approach, this PIE Theme offers the opportunity to discuss such issues.


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Green Growth Leaders Site

The Green Growth Leaders (GGL) is a global alliance of cities, regions, countries and corporations sharing a vision of building prosperous green economies and communities. Their web site has a good deal of information on innovative policies and strategies including country reports (the report on China is the most recent). See

Cultural Identity, Climate Change Resilience and ICT

Angelina Valeria Ospina in a recent blog has helpfully explored links between cultural identity and ICT in sustaining resilience and promoting innovation in vulnerable communities in the face challenges such as those presented by climate change. 

The City of Dar es Salaam striving to resolve environmental problems

The lives of Tanzanians are intimately connected to the environment, their survival and that of future generations depend on the harmonious relationship which natural elements. This is the concern of the people. However, the situation in Dar Es Salaam City is exacerbated by the high rate of urbanization coupled with the growth of spontaneous settlements of different categories. Dar es Salaam, the largest city in Tanzania, is growing fast as people move from the countryside to seek a better future. The vast majority of the city’s inhabitants are a result of rural-urban migration.

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