Social Capital Newsletter, September 2011, Issue 2
New calls for papers
- Cambridge Journal of Economics: the Future of Capitalism. Deadline for paper submission: 15 February 2012.
- Mainz Workshop on Behavioural and Emotional Economics. Mainz, 23 January 2012. Deadline for paper submission: 4 December 2011.
- Review of Network Economics: Social Networks and Economics. Deadline for paper submission: 1 December 2011.
- Institutionalism and Building a Better Future. Houston, Texas, 11-14 April 2012. Deadline for paper submission: 1 December 2011.
Reading list
- A new section on Social capital and physical health has been added to the reading list.
Expiring deadlines
- Recent Advances on the Role of Beliefs in Decision Theory. Paris, 24-25 November 2011. Deadline: 15 September.
- Cooperative Responses to Global Challenges. Berlin, 21-23 March 2012. Deadline: 23 September.
- X Brucchi Luchino Labour Economics Workshop. Rome, 15-16 December 2011. Deadline: 30 September.
- Micro-Level Analysis of Well-Being in Central Asia. Berlin, 10-11 May 2012. Deadline: 30 September.
Upcoming events
- Perspectives on Wellbeing at Work. London, 21 September 2011.
- A World Without Walls. Barcelona, 22-25 September 2011.
- 3rd Social Capital World Forum. Dornbirn, Austria, 23-24 September 2011.
Job openings
- Assistant Professor (Ricercatore a tempo determinato) at Ca Foscari University of Venice - Economic implications of an ageing population. Deadline for application: 16 September 2011.
- Postdoc in Microeconomics - University of Hamburg. Deadline for application: 30 September 2011.
Thank you for your attention and best regards,
Fabio Sabatini
Sapienza University of Rome, Department of Economics and Law
European Research Institute on Cooperative and Social Enterprises (Euricse), Trento
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