Report of cultural diversity in HE symposium Spain

The Higher Education for You Too (HE4U2) Project concludes with recommendations for policy and practice which it hopes will promote deep and sustainable inter-cultural dialogue in Higher Education.

A Symposium held at the University Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona, Spain, November 2018,  has been discussing how to develop new intercultural learning environments which will promote deep and sustainable inter-cultural dialogue and learning in Higher Education Lifelong Learning across Europe.

Delegates from Finland, Spain, Belgium and UK attending the symposium at the University Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona
Delegates from Finland, Spain, Belgium and UK attending the symposium  at the University Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona

The way to enhance higher education through integrating diversity has been hotly debated over the past three years with each of the seven partner countries in the project demonstrating how they are tackling these questions and producing new ideas on how to move issues of diversity and inclusion forward. A consultation was also held in Brussels earlier this year with representatives from different countries and representing different cultural groups attending.

The project grew out of the need to support the training of teachers working with migrant students to reform delivery and support for learners through integrating an intercultural dimension for all learners. The HE4u2 project has developed guidelines for developing intercultural curricula and piloted continuing education courses for staff focussed on how to promote university curricula and teaching and learning practices which recognise diversity and promote inclusion.

It has also developed a set of policy recommendations focusing on the curricula and the teachers of adults who provide access for disadvantaged groups.

Further information can be found on the project web site:

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