PIMA Bulletin No. 30 - May 2020

PIMA was established five years ago with the ambition of encouraging its members, and others who share concerns about how ALE and LLL can make the world a better place, to think ‘outside-the-box’ (OTB). The Bulletin is a vehicle for doing this.

We currently often hear talk about ‘getting back to normal’ after the COVID-19 crisis, but there is no old ‘normal’ to get back to. The box has gone. No wishful thinking, no blaming and false-speaking, will put Humpty Dumpty back together again, on the recent comfy perch of prosperity for some; and doubt, ambiguity, frustration, or dire poverty for many more. This month’s 5th PIMA AGM (12th May) may prove significant in refocusing our still new network for unknown new times.

This 30th Bulletin should be read thus, and to be acted on. Our ambition remains to connect the truth-seeking of scholarship and research with wise governance, and policy-making carried into action: an action which is created, valued, owned and carried out in diverse real-world settings, from the smallest community to the most powerful global operators.

Read the full PIMA Bulletin below...


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