
This section provides news about PASCAL together with significant developments in policy and research relating to the areas of interest to PASCAL. It is based on regular scanning of policy, practice and academic literature, including web-based sources.

We invite readers to submit items for consideration. Please send your contributions to our Submissions Administrator.

Why is recovery so hard? So slow? - “The Great Contraction”

We include here an abridged version of a paper presented by Josef Konvitz,OECD and Honorary Professor, School of Education, University of Glasgow at the ‘People, Places, Engagement and Change’ Research Cluster Seminar hosted by the Adam Smith Research Foundation, University of Glasgow, 5 November 2010.

For the full text, please contact Professor Konvitz.

Knowledge Cities Summit

The Knowledge Cities Summit, held in Melbourne last week, was an important opportunity for academics, government and business to talk with each other about the emerging features of economic and social development, and the ways in which different kinds of knowledge contribute. As the ‘new club of Paris’ would say, it is the challenge of developing with the unlimited resources which knowledge offers.

National Strategies for Implementing Life Long Learning (LLL): an International Perspective

This Hot Topic paper returns to a central theme for PASCAL, which is the development and implementation of lifelong learning.    Unlike earlier HTs on the theme, Jarl Bengtsson is concerned less with the concept of lifelong learning but much more with those factors at national level which need to be addressed if substantial progress is to be made in making a reality of the widespread policy commitments which are in place in most EU countries and amongst OECD member countries around the world.

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