Mike Osborne's blog

City Health 2013 - the 2nd City Health International Conference in Glasgow

Given the interests of PIE in Healthy Cities and the emphasis that Peter Kearns has made concerning this facet of the learning city within the EcCoWell model, and the strand of interest that we are trying to develop for the 11th PASCAL Conference in Hong Kong, this event in Glasgow may be of considerable interest to subscribers. We invite you to take a look at City Health 2013 in Glasgow from 4-5 November, which has many overlaps with the interests of PASCAL. 

Gauteng City-Region Observatory

Having been in South Africa last week I was alerted to the Gauteng City-Region Observatory, and was pleased to see that it includes amongst its work a project on Transformation in Higher Education, which examines of ''how the concept of a ‘learning region’ may be applied to the Gauteng City-Region (GCR), through the institutional vehicle of the region’s higher education institutions''. More is found through the preceding hotlinks.

Formal Launch of the UNESCO Chair in Community Based Research and Social Responsibility in Higher Education

I was delighted to have been invited to the Formal Launch of the UNESCO Chair in Community Based Research and Social Responsibility in Higher Education at the University of Victoria on 4 March. This event took place in the Ceremonial Hall of First People's House at the University of Victoria.

PASCAL & CAAC – A Meeting of Minds

During the PASCAL 2012 Conference in October in Brest, Brittany, France delegates to the Conference, including PASCAL Chair Josef Konvitz, met with representatives of the Conference of Atlantic Arc Cities (CAAC). By simple coincidence the CAAC was in Brest at the same time as PASCAL for their annual conference! A meeting was arranged between Alan Foster, PASCAL Executive Officer, and Tamara Guirao-Espiñeira, CAAC Co-ordinator, in order to explore issues of common interest.

Preparatory meeting for the first UNESCO Global Learning Cities Conference - Beijing

Preparatory meeting for the first UNESCO Global Learning Cities Conference The Preparatory meeting for the first UNESCO Global Learning Cities conference was held in Beijing on 1st December by UNESCO's Institute for Lifelong Learning, together with the National Commission of China for UNESCO of the Ministry of Education China, the Beijing Municipal Education Commission the Chinese and many other national and international organisations.

PASCAL was represented by its Co-director, Professor Michael Osborne. The conference will be held in November 2013 in Beijing.

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10th PASCAL Conference - a happy delegate at the dinner. Better than being the dinner!

10th PASCAL Conference - a happy delegate at the dinner. Better than being the dinner!10th PASCAL Conference - a happy delegate at the dinner. Better than being the dinner!




    Click the image to enlarge...

Lectureship in Adult Education - University of Glasgow

Details of a new post within the School of Education at the University of Glasgow, the European base of PASCAL are found here. The person appointed will join an expanding staff grouping in the field of post-compulsory education.

The Main Duties and Responsibilities are as follows:

Engaging in Lifelong Learning: Shaping Inclusive and Responsive University Strategies. European Universities Association Report

Attached is the SIRUS report, Engaging in Lifelong Learning: Shaping Inclusive and Responsive University Strategies, by Hanne Smidt  and Andrée Sursock, which is based on material prepared by representatives of the 29 participating European universities.  It is based on a study of the institutional lifelong learning strategies of these universities by the European Universities Association, who suggest that frank and open discussions provided invaluable insights into strategic institutional development.

Lifelong Learning in Later Life: A Handbook on Older Adult Learning

I have just received information from Peter Mayo about a new book by Brian Findsen and Marvin Formosa - Lifelong Learning in Later Life : A Handbook on Older Adult Learning* (here on Amazon).

*Selections from the opening chapters are featured below.

eThekwini - a Learning City in South Africa

I spotted some time after the event that the eThekwini Municipality, which incorporates the city of Durban, in South Africa is positioning itself as a learning city with the launch of the Municipal Institute of Learning (MILE) in December 2010.

This initiative, which is reported as a first in the history of local government on the continent, aims to enhance the capacity and knowledge of local government practitioners in Africa in order to be effective in the delivery of core competencies.

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