Mike Osborne's blog

Three items from Atlantic Arc Cities

To start off your New Year with a bang rather than a whimper here are three items of interest sent to us recently from our colleagues at the Atlantic Arc Cities.

Future of Cities - Latest Publication

The latest publication of the UK Government Office for Science's Foresight Group led by Sir Alan Wilson on the Future of Cities has just been published. The Business of Cities authored by Emily Moir and Greg Clark looks at the way in which the relationship between cities and business is evolving.

Connecting Research with Cities

In early 2014, the Future Cities Catapult, the UK’s government-backed urban innovation centre, commissioned the Urban Systems Laboratory at Imperial College London to outline the range of research currently underway in UK universities that connected with cities.

The Future of Cities

I was pleased to be amongst those invited to a discussion on the Future of Cities in Glasgow on Friday 14 March, run by the Government Office for Science, and chaired by the Government Chief Scientific Adviser, Sir Mark Walport, and Sir Alan Wilson, Professor of Urban and Regional Systems at University College London and Chair of the Future of Cities Lead Expert Group.

Gaza: Tradition and Leadership in a Learning City in the 6th Century AD

I am delighted to report that Jan Stenger, MacDowell Professor of Greek, Classics, University of Glasgow has won funding from the Royal Society of Edinburgh to hold a colloquium in April 2014 followed by a research workshop and public lecture in June 2014.

U21 workshop in Hong Kong - 21 November

The lastest workshop of the U21 RUR network on the topic of Research Universities and their Learning Cities was held at Hong Kong University on 21 November 2013, and hosted by Professor Mark Bray. Delegates attended from the University of Glasgow, Hong Kong University and UBC as well as collaborating universities and cities who are not part of U21. These included the University of Catania, the cities of Cork and Helsinki, Simon Fraser University and the University of Tampere. 

At this point some practical suggestions that emerged from discussion include the following:

11th PASCAL Conference - Green and Health Strands

Some of the participants in the green and health strands of the 11th PASCAL conference ready themselves for another day of discussion, and field trips starting at the main campus of the Hong Kong Institute of Education.

Compare and Contrast - PIAAC interpretations

Subscribers may be interested in following the progression of an item that we recently produced on the PIAAC results from the UK:

PIAAC events in Barcelona and Edinburgh

We are delighted to announce that PASCAL will be collaborating with the  Jaume Bofill Foundation in Barcelona in organising two events concerned with the recent OECD PIAAC study.

What is the Value of UNESCO to the UK?

Organisations in the UK benefit by generating £90 million per year through the UK's membership of UNESCO. These finances, which include investment, tourism revenue and project grants, have contributed to regeneration, community development and conservation across the UK.

Given our excellent relationship in Pascal with UNESCO's Institute for Lifelong Learning, subscribers will be interested in this report.

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