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The Glen Postle Intergenerational Mentoring Hub

I’m delighted to have been able to have visited PASCAL Associate Glen Postle and see the Glen Postle Intergenerational Mentoring Hub at the Flexischool in Toowoomba. Glen has been working intensively in the development of the school over the past 20 years and continues to do so.

Toowoomba Flexi School (Flexi), an annexe of Centenary Heights State High School, is a responsive learning environment providing relevant educational opportunities and breaking the cycle of disengagement. The program is designed to increase the number of educationally 'at risk' students completing the Senior Phase of Learning with a clear and sustained transition pathway. The key quality outcome is engaging and working with youth through intensive case management to overcome disadvantage and overcome poverty.

Flexi is improving learning outcomes for its diverse range of students and continues to work in partnership with parents, carers and numerous valued community groups to support this transition. Flexi has consistently provided opportunities for young people who are faced with significant social and emotional disadvantage making it difficult to engage fully in school. Students come from a wide range of situations across the district to access the unique difference that Flexi offers.

The Glen Postle Intergenerational Mentoring Hub
Glen outside the Intergenerational Mentoring Hub (Michael Osborne, December 2017)

Glen is currently working on the history of the Flexischool which we await with interest.


Michael Osborne
Professor of Adult and Lifelong Learning and Director of Research
University of Glasgow


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