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Cultural Competence Resource

Australia is one of the most culturally diverse countries in the world. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, 28% of residents were born in another country and almost 50% have at least one parent born elsewhere. The Special Broadcasting Service (SBS), a hybrid-funded Australian public broadcasting radio, online, and television network, has recently developed a Cultural Competence Program (CCP) online training course for individuals and organisations.

Building capability and understanding around cultural diversity, the program is designed to manage diversity in workplaces (and for the individual), support competitive advantage in modern marketplaces, and foster social cohesion.

It features engaging multimedia learning modules and a wealth of resources developed by SBS, Multicultural NSW and International Education Services; including animations, activities, interviews, real stories and workplace experiences.  It is supported by the Cultural Atlas - an extensive online resource providing detailed and practical information about cross-cultural attitudes, practices, norms, behaviours, communication and business skills from a range of backgrounds.

For further information on this highly regarded program, please see:

Denise Reghenzani-Kearns PhD, PASCAL Associate


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