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EcCoWell Cork - 7th Heaven (Meeting)

The most recent EcCoWeLL session in Cork on Thurs 5th June went very well, with 74 attending, confined to those who had participated in previous EcCoWeLL events.

There was a lot of very positive feedback from the City Council Planning Officials, and Directors of Service, including those who had been previously quite sceptical of the approach we were taking for the session. One Senior Planner said that he now thought that 'the EcCoWeLL Approach' should be used for all future city plans or strategies as a method of consultation or 'proofing' plans.
This was one of the most significant outcomes in my view. Another is the fact that the session was another successful example of applying the EcCoWeLL theory to practice, in this case a realtime city planning document. Our approach has been to apply the theory in a practical and engaging way to developments in the city by bringing a range of people from across the sectors together to explore ways to 'add value' to each others efforts.
This was the 7th EcCoWeLL event in all since March 2013, including the input during Limerick Lifelong Learning Festival. PASCAL/PIE thinking led by Peter Kearns has struck a chord with many people in that time and continues to find traction.  It has also meant a sustained effort has been required by the steering group members to maintain the 'buy-in' and get the organisational elements correct. We operate as a collective at all times so while decisions can be delayed, the outcomes are better for it. A downside has been that the events have dominated the discussions as the main concern has been to keep the citywide connections strong and individual engagement a positive and energising experience.
Our next steering group meeting will have this as one of the main agenda items the creation of a Brief for PASCAL Learning City ECCoWeLL Network, following the review of the City Plan event.

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