City of Sydney Council

Primary Contact: 
Kate Read
City of Sydney
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City of Sydney, NSW

There are 3 levels of government in Australia – federal, state and local (councils). The NSW parliament makes laws which regulate the role, powers and responsibilities of local councils. The Local Government Act outlines:

  • how councils are established
  • how elections are run
  • how and when councils meet
  • how rates are charged
  • how councils spend money
  • what councils can do. 

Like all councils, the City of Sydney has responsibilities under other NSW laws including the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, the Public Health Act and the Companion Animals Act. Council also has the authority to make its own regulations and by-laws.

Councils exist to:

  • Provide a representative, informed and responsible decision-making body.
  • Develop the local community and its resources in a socially just and environmentally responsible way.
  • Ensure local public services and facilities respond effectively to community needs.

City of Sydney functions

  • Provide for development in the local area.
  • Provide for local services and facilities that benefit ratepayers, residents and visitors.
  • Protect health and provide for the welfare, wellbeing and interests of the local community.
  • Represent and promote the interests of ratepayers and residents.
  • Establish and support organisations and programs targeting the local community.
  • Protect the environment and improve local amenity.
  • Attract and provide infrastructure for commerce, tourism and industry.
  • Manage, improve and develop resources available to Council.

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