UIL Lifelong Learning Alert No 4 - 29 March 2019

What is happening around lifelong learning these days? How are countries making lifelong learning a reality? What are the latest developments in policy and practice? This is issue No 4, 29 March 2019, of the UIL Lifelong Learning Alert.

The new service offers you regular insights and news on lifelong learning from all world regions. The alert is compiled regularly; the fourth issue is featured below and you can subscribe for this and other UIL publications here.




Asia and the Pacific



U.S. Government grants more than 100,000 books to schools of Kyrgyzstan

U.S. Government granted 110,257 books to 900 public schools in Kyrgyzstan. They were published as part of USAID Time to Read project. This donation is the first of a total of 1.2 million books that USAID plans to print and distribute in Kyrgyzstan by 2020 under the Time to Read program.





Latin America and the Caribbean



Loop Cayman

St Thomas welcomes Virgin Islands’ first little free library

St. Thomas is now home to the Territory's first Little Free Library, an international neighbourhood book exchange program that will give children and residents of all ages access to free reading material.






European Union

New education sector support programme starts in Puntland

The European Union jointly with the Government of the Puntland State of Somalia launched the third phase of the Puntland Education Sector Support Programme worth 7.3 million Euro.





Europe and North America



The Journal

Emotional Well-Being investment Improves Student Outcomes

More educators across the world are investing in the emotional well-being of their students as a harbinger of success, according to a new survey commissioned by Microsoft and produced by The Economist's Intelligence Unit.





Arab States



wise ed review

The Power of Comics to Build Resilience

Comics have the power to transfer knowledge. The dynamic nature of comic language can be a motivating and educational tool that can replace “I must read, search, learn” with “I want to read, search, learn.”




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