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PASCAL Learning Cities Networks - Harnessing Cultural Policies in Building Sustainable Learning Cities - Rolling Workshops, 2015

Participants in the Harnessing Cultural Policies in Building Sustainable Learning Cities Network will collaborate in a rolling Workshop to be held at venues in four countries in the period February-May 2015. The venues will be in Östersund, Glasgow, Catania, and Pecs.<--break->

Each of the workshops will discuss the subject Cultural policies and activities for sustainable learning cities and regions although a local gloss may be introduced in some of the workshops to reflect local interests. The cycle will commence with an International Panel Discussion to be held at the end of the Spring Conference 2015 of the Nordic Centre for Heritage Learning and Creativity (NCK), and will involve experts from Denmark, Sweden, Finland, and Norway. Subsequent workshops will be convened by GlasgowLife, the city of Catania, and the city of Pécs, Hungary.

Cultural Policies Network Rolling Workshops (2).pdf89.78 KB

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