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PASCAL Learning Cities Networks Inclusion Workshops

Arrangements have now been made for further Inclusion Workshops to be conducted in Glasgow, Bristol, and Melbourne to follow the initial workshop held in Townsville last May. The subjects of these workshops are listed on the attached paper. They are particularly interesting in addressing a range of aspects of inclusion that are often neglected. Reports of each of the workshops will be posted on this web site.

Inclusion in learning cities is a complex subject and while the workshops listed above cover a reasonably broad set of relevant aspects, there are other aspects of inclusion that merit discussion so that PASCAL would welcome further Inclusion Workshops to discuss such subjects. These include topics such as young people as lifelong learners, provision for the long term unemployed, strategies for migrants and refugees, neighbourhood strategies to promote inclusion.

Would those interested an organising a further PASCAL Learning Cities Networks Inclusion Workshop under this program please contact me to discuss your proposal. The findings of all workshops will contribute to the discussion of inclusion in learning cities at the 13th PASCAL International Conference to be held at the University of Glasgow on 3-5 June 2016.


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